Below you will find the current ByLaws that RCHSA operates under. All members agree to abide by these Bylaws at all times when representing RCHSA.

The name of our organization shall be: The ROWAN COUNTY HOME SCHOOL ASSOCIATION (RCHSA)
The Rowan County Home School Association is a Christ-centered homeschool support group. We offer our members the opportunity to participate in academic programs and social activities that strengthen and promote traditional family values.
Education is a God-given right and the responsibility of parents. A Christian perspective is always in mind in the determining of group activities and support of both the parents and the children. Our member families will find educational opportunities to enhance their curriculum, information from state and national homeschool agencies, a high moral code of behavior, a well-defined governing body, and numerous opportunities to serve one another.
This organization supports and promotes homeschooling as a legitimate alternative to other forms of education and is only limited to the gifts and talents of its active membership. This support broadens as leadership talent is developed, community resources are located, and membership needs are expressed.
Psalm 111:10 states, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth forever.” Therefore, we will strive to conduct our business “in the fear of the Lord” and in accordance with the basic tenants of Christian faith: doing all things in love, sharing all joy, speaking and acting in peace, always being honest, and being faithful to our members as unto the Lord.
A. There are two classes of membership
(1) Active homeschooling families, with one membership vote per family, and
(2) RCHSA Alumni, who are members without a vote.
Alumni include:
(a) Families who no longer homeschool but who wish to support other families who actively homeschool, &
(b) Graduated students who wish to support homeschooling.
B. Active homeschool families must operate their homeschools in accordance with North Carolina law.
C. By joining RCHSA, members signify that they understand our purpose statement and agree to abide by our by-laws.
D. Minimum annual dues shall be set by the Board of Directors.
E. Membership allows full participation in all activities and services offered by RCHSA.
(1) Activities are closed to non-members unless determined by the Board of Directors to be in the best interest of the membership to be an open activity.
(2) Academic functions are limited to RCHSA members, with one exception:
(3) Other homeschool organizations may be invited to participate in certain academic functions if they are:
(a) Approved by the Board of Directors, and
(b) They agree to abide by RCHSA rules and by-laws while participating in the shared function.
F. All memberships shall be reviewed annually by the Board of Directors and will be subject to revocation by the Board of Directors for conduct that is:
(1) Contrary to the stated purpose and by-laws of RCHSA, or
(2) In conflict with the laws of the state of North Carolina.
G. Each member family must be willing to assist the local group with at least one task per year. Families in their first year of homeschooling will not be asked for assistance to allow them to establish their homeschool. After the first year, families that do not assist in the programs and activities of RCHSA may have their memberships reviewed and may be in danger of having their memberships revoked.
H. Each member family shall have on file with the Board of Directors a Medical & Liability Release form. This form must be updated yearly and is necessary for participation in RCHSA functions and activities.
I. All members are strongly encouraged to support NCHE (North Carolinians for Home Education), the state support organization, by becoming members of NCHE in addition to RCHSA.
Contact NCHE at 419 N. Boylan Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27603-1211
Phone: 919-834-6243
J. All members are strongly encouraged to become members of HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association).
Contact HSLDA at P.O. Box 3000, Purcellville, VA 20132
Phone: 540-338-5600
A. In order to be eligible for the Board of Directors an individual must have been a member in good standing for a minimum of one academic school year, with exceptions to be determined by the Board of Directors. An academic school year is defined as being from August 1 through June 30.
B. Nominations for Board members will be made by the membership at-large of the RCHSA and given to the Board. The Board will review the nominations and determine eligibility.
A simple majority of the votes received from the voting membership will confirm the election of the Board member.
C. If a married couple is elected, they may serve together as one Board member with one vote.
D. The Board shall be comprised of:
(1) A President
(2) A Vice-President
(3) A Secretary
(4) A Treasurer, and
(5) One at-large Board member for every fifteen families of RCHSA
E. The Board shall elect a chairperson annually.
F. The Board shall have final authority over membership requirements, program content, services offered, adoption of operating rules, all administrative issues, fiscal responsibility, appointment of program coordinators and committees.
G. The Board shall meet as needed. Meetings may be called at any time by the Board chairperson or upon request by 50% of the Board members.
H. The Board may not hold an official meeting or make decisions unless a quorum exists. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of current Board members.
I. No decision may be enacted without agreement by two thirds of Board members present.
J. Board members become ineligible if they:
(1) Cease homeschooling
(2) Submit a written resignation
(3) Miss three consecutive Board meetings without approval of the Board
(4) Are declared legally incompetent
(5) Are removed from office by two thirds vote of the entire Board
K. All At-Large Board Members shall serve a two year term
(1) There shall be one Board Member for every fifteen families in RCHSA.
(2) There shall be a minimum of six at-large Board members, with a maximum number being determined by the number of RCHSA families.
(3) There shall be two classes of Board Members. Each class shall be one-half of the total number of Board Members. One class shall be elected when the President and other officers are elected, and one class shall be elected the following year.
(4) Board members may be re-elected, but may not serve more than two consecutive terms. After serving two consecutive terms, Board members may be elected again after a one year absence.
(5) Board members may request to leave office with a written and signed letter of request.
(6) Board members may be removed by two-thirds vote of the entire Board.
(7) Board members are requested to attend every Board meeting. They should make every effort to attend. If Board members cannot attend a meeting, they should contact the Board chairperson prior to the meeting, and the Secretary for meeting minutes after the meeting.
A. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for the oversight of all programs of RCHSA.
B. The Board of Directors shall:
(1) Initiate new programs to promote homeschooling and to support the membership of RCHSA.
(2) Evaluate current programs of RCHSA.
(3) Eliminate any programs that do not meet the needs of our membership.
(4) Determine the eligibility of nominations for officers.
(5) Oversee any elections.
(6) Assist the other officers when needed to ensure that no single job interferes with the responsibilities of teaching their child(ren).
(7) Publish the policies and procedures of the RCHSA, including grievance procedures and disciplinary procedures.
(8) By committee, produce a monthly newsletter.
(9) By committee, keep accurate membership records.
(10) By committee, coordinate association events such as book fairs, picnics, field days, etc.
(11) Develop and maintain a web site that promotes homeschooling and the values of RCHSA.
C. Meetings:
(1) Board meeting will be open for all current members of RCHSA to attend. Regularly scheduled Board meetings will be announced at the preceding RCHSA support meeting.
(2) Non-members may attend Board meetings if invited by a current Board member.
(3) The Board may meet in closed session if it deems such a meeting is in the best interest of the RCHSA.
(4) No Board meeting shall be called without notification of all RCHSA Board Members.
(5) Committees within the RCHSA board may meet at any time.
A. Nominations for President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary will be made by the membership at large to the Board. The Board will review nominees and make a determination as to eligibility. A simple majority of the votes received from the voting membership will confirm their election.
B. The President shall be elected to a two year term. The President shall:
(1) Preside at RCHSA support meetings.
(2) Arrange for guest speakers at support meetings.
(3) Be the spokesperson for RCHSA in the community.
(4) Be the liaison between RCHSA and NCHE.
(5) Keep and maintain the Articles of Incorporation of RCHSA.
(6) Chair the Membership Committee.
(7) Keep and maintain completed membership applications.
C. The Vice-President shall be elected to a two year term. The Vice-President shall:
(1) Assist the President.
(2) Assume the responsibilities of the President in the event that the office of President should become vacant.
(3) Oversee the testing that is provided by RCHSA.
(4) Oversee the Informational Teas.
D. The Secretary shall be elected to a two year term. The Secretary shall:
(1) Take the minutes at support meetings and Board meetings.
(2) Handle official correspondence of RCHSA.
E. The Treasurer shall be elected to a two year term. The Treasurer shall:
(1) Administer the financial resources of RCHSA under the direction of the Board of Directors.
(2) Submit a written financial report at each Board Meeting.
G. There are no exceptions to the length of tenure for any officer or Board member of RCHSA.
H. Office vacancies shall be filled by appointment of the Board when the need arises.
I. Any officer may be removed by two-thirds vote of the entire Board.
A. Any current member of RCHSA may submit written amendment proposals to the Board.
B. Amendment proposals brought before the Board must be approved by two-thirds vote of the entire Board.
C. All proposed amendments that are approved by the Board must be published for review by the membership for at least thirty days prior to the vote by the membership.
D. The approved amendment shall be adopted by a simple majority of votes received by the voting membership.
Last Revised: 01/2004
our Mission
The Rowan County Home School Association is a Christ-centered homeschool support group. We offer our members the opportunity to participate in academic programs and social activities that strengthen and promote traditional family values. Education is a God-given right and the responsibility of parents.