Educational Assessment Options

In accordance with G.S. 115C-564, the home school chief administrator is required to administer a nationally standardized test or other nationally standardized equivalent measurement to each enrolled student on an annual basis.
To learn more about the State of North Carolina assessment requirements click on the button below.

The tests listed below are the tests most commonly considered acceptable to meet the NC requirements.

Can be administered by a parent who meets the qualification requirements (Must have a B.S. Degree, B. A. Degree or a teaching certificate.)
- Administered by a trained professional in an individual setting.
- All subtests are presented orally AND in a written format. Anything can be read to the students except the reading sections.
- Appropriate for grades K-Adult
- Provides current achievement level
- This test evaluates a child in math, reading, written language, spelling, grammar, social studies, and science. The parents have the option of testing only those portions required or doing a more thorough evealuation.
Sue Park, Educational Consultant, is available to administer this assessment (704)638-9909
California Achievement Test

- Must be administered in a secure testing environment, usually a group setting.
- Appropriate for grades K-12
- Cannot read any test questions to students.
- Provides current achievement level
- CAT tests accurately measure achievement in reading, language, spelling, mathematics, study skills, science, and social studies
IOWA Test of Achievement

Can be administered by a parent who meets the qualification requirements (Must have a B.S. Degree, B. A. Degree or a teaching certificate.)
- Appropriate for grades K-12
- Cannot read any test questions to students.
- Provides current achievement level
- This test evaluates a child in math, language arts, social studies, and science.
- It is usually administered over a series of days.
Parents can order it through Bob Jones University (800) 845-5731
Greenville, SC 29614

High School students taking this test in preparation for college do not need to take an additional achievement test as long as the SAT they take includes the required subjects of English, math, grammar and spelling.